War Machine Music Video

June 24, 2013 by  
Filed under News

Hey Rock Fans!

We’ve had a busy month so far gearing up to perform at the Boonstock Music Festival on June 28th-30th alongside artists such as Slash, The Headstones, Monster Truck, Godsmack, …the list goes on! We perform on Friday June 28th at 2pm on the main stage.

On top of that though, we’ve also been shooting a music video for our latest radio single ‘War Machine‘ and it has just been released!  Check it out now for yourselves and be sure to share it with your friends (also don’t forget to comment and let us know what you think of it!)

And don’t forget to buy the song (or the whole album) on iTunes or Bandcamp if you haven’t already.

Heaviside - War Machine


War Machine



3 Responses to “War Machine Music Video”
  1. Rhoda Reynaud says:

    Way too cool!! Love it! So much to see. It’s great to see musicians with so much talent not showcasing, but having a whole lot of fun. Way to go guys!!

  2. um says:

    Another rock n roll video dudes!
    Your mamas must be proud with all the drinkin’ and shenanigans!
    It is what it is, rock and roll can’t be changed for mamas…..
    Drink up, rock on!

  3. R says:

    I’m a 70 year old and love your music….keep it coming.

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