Heaviside @ Brixx Aug 20th

August 14, 2010 by  
Filed under Tour

Heaviside will be performing at Brixx Bar and Grill (underneath the Starlite Room) on August 20th, 2010.  Opening acts include:

  • Comedian Drew Behm
  • Comedian & winner of “Edmonton’s Funniest Man With A Day Job” Scott Belford
  • Music by Matthew Dilts
  • And closing out the night (of course) with a hard rocking set is your very own Heaviside

The entire event is a fundraiser for the Edmonton Humane Society.  Tickets are $12 at the door and be sure to mention that you’re there to see Heaviside.

This event will also hold a raffle for items that have been donated by AXE Music, Posh Pooch Hotel And Daycare, Bell, and Samsung.

For more information check out the facebook event:


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