Heaviside 10 Live – Free Download

July 11, 2017 by  
Filed under News

On December 10, 2016 Heaviside and friends gathered at the legendary Vat Pub in Red Deer to celebrate ten years of making music. Since we have always been huge fans of the live album we decided to hit record on this historic event and see what happened. The results were electric. We are so proud to announce the release of Heaviside 10 Live, a live album of our very own.

The album manages successfully capture the passion and energy of a Heaviside show, enabling even the most introverted of rock fans to enjoy the Heaviside experience from the comfort of their own home. All that’s missing now is the smell of stale beer and sweat.

From the opening chords of “Hometown Heroes” to the closing screams of “War Machine” Heaviside 10 Live captures an array of songs from our ten year career, with a few of our favourite covers thrown in for good measure.

As a thank you to our loyal fans for a decade of support we have decided to release the album for free on our website (Get it Here). For those devoted souls who wish to pay for our music (bless your hearts) the album is also available on iTunes, Amazon Music, CD Baby, Google Music, Spotify and various other digital retailers (links will be updated as soon as digital retailers have the album available).

In addition to the live album we are also in the midst of editing video of the show. Several tracks have already been released for your viewing pleasure and rest assured many more are on the way!

Aardvark – Live
Zep Medley – Live

Aurora – Live

So pour yourself a drink, turn up the stereo and for the first time ever experience Heaviside live in your living room.


Heaviside 10 Live Track list:
1. Hometown Heroes
2. Aurora
3. Aardvark
4. Zep Medley
5. Smokestack Soldier
6. Wasted Generation
7. Lady
8. Eva
9. Refugee
10. War Machine

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