Halloween Bands as Bands

October 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Tour

Heaviside will be draping on the scarves and leather to perform as Aerosmith at the Starlite Room’s annual Bands as Bands Halloween Party.  For those who don’t remember we did a successful portrayal as Led Zeppelin last year (check out our video section to refresh your memory).

This year we’re up for a new challenge and will once again be mimicking one of rock’s finest acts.  Mitchell has looked into a variety of collagen lip surgery’s, Johno’s been trying to figure out how the hell he’s gonna do that talk box thing at the start of “Sweet Emotion” and Spenny has a perm booked the day before the show to get that sweet, sweet Joey Kramer hair-do.  Kyle has had his hands full mastering some of the wackiest basslines rock music has to offer (just listen to “Back in the Saddle” a few times to hear the workout his fingers have been getting).

Tickets for this memorable event are available through the band, but are limited so let us know soon if you’re interested.  If you’re not one of the lucky few able to nab advance tickets you can still show up to Starlite Room October 31st, at 7pm and some lovely girl will more than willingly take your money there.  Any wigs adorned during this event will be donated to the Skullet Reduction Foundation.  This foundation assists aging rockers in keeping that edgy long-haired look despite the onset of male pattern baldness.  So come out and support a great cause, hope to see you all there.

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