3 Weeks Until Heavisde 10 Year Anniversary Show

November 19, 2016 by  
Filed under Tour



Only 3 weeks to go!

On December 10th Heaviside is taking the stage at the Vat to celebrate 10 Years of music that your support has allowed us to make. We’re flying Johno in from BC to mark this momentous occasion and create this one-night-only event.

This is also your opportunity to be forever immortalized on a Heaviside record! We will be professionally recording  the entire performance for a live album to be released in 2017.

Joining us to mark the occasion are long-time friends the Frank, who helped Heaviside pay their dues in the very beginning.  We also welcome special guest Joe Matthews who will set the night in motion with an acoustic performance.

So mark your calendars if you haven’t already and make sure you don’t miss out on attending this little slice of Heaviside history.

We’ll see you soon.

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